Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do you get blonde hair back?

I am a natural blonde, dyed my hair black (underneath) then went to completely auburn, then brown. I閳ユ獫e stripped my hair (take the dye off) and it went straight to strawberry blonde, pretty, but not the color I was looking for.

P.S. my suggestion to those who want to dye your hair DONT it is truly a mess. Listen to those who say your hair is beautiful the way it is. I am willing to call myself dumb for dying it although I loved the auburn and the black underneath very punk-ish but still. Also it is extremely addicting and fun some of them make your hair softer than it was but others閳?not so great. So yeah please help me i want something quicker then waiting 424532572035 years to let the blonde grow back

Thank you very much. :)

How do you get blonde hair back?

You've made the mistake I have many times. I dyed my hair brown, naturally a blonde, and it wouldn't come out no matter how many stripping kits I used. I finally bleached it out and got a light blonde toner and used a really good shampoo and conditioner (Pantene) and let it grow.

How do you get blonde hair back?

What is your question again?

All ya can do is strip the color off with a color corrector, or bleach it. Both are awful on the hair. Use a semi-permanent color on your hair until it's grown out to blonde again. That's all I can tell ya to keep it healthy.

How do you get blonde hair back?

If your hair is strawberry still, well, you're pretty much stuck there until it grows out and even then it won't grow out the same. If you really can't wait and want the color back, I'd talk to a stylist but if you stripped your hair recently, wait a bit so that your hair isn't destroyed. Either way, your hair is pretty distressed and I suggest deep conditioning once a week and conditioning every day.

How do you get blonde hair back?

Hair bleach like Quick Blue. Then depending on what color it bleaches to, you have your choice of toner. To cut the orange, use a toner with a blue or blue violet base. That will tone it to a whiter shade of blonde.

You can also use a shampoo to cut the gold tones, like Shimmer Lights by Clairol. It's purple and it takes a bit to build up on the hair, but it will tone the strawberry down.

How do you get blonde hair back?

If you are a strawberry blonde now, you are only a couple of steps away from being a blonde again...yippy!

You will need an ASH color to counteract the red in the strawberry blonde in your hair.

And you will need 40 Volume Creme Peroxide, (available at Sally's Beauty Supply Store) and a Very Light Ash Blonde color.

40 volume peroxide is the HIGHEST strength peroxide and is generally professionally used for most blonde colors.

Colors are generally mixed 1:1, so that means 1 part color to 1 part peroxide. (If the color is in a 2.4 oz bottle, mix the entire bottle with 2.4 oz of peroxide.)

You'll need a color bottle too. They're at the Beauty Supply store. They're cheap, around $1. There are measurements on the side of the bottle so you can measure it exactly. Add the peroxide to the bottle first, then add the color...(since the color is already measured, all you'll have to do is pour the bottle's contents into the peroxide)

Color the ROOTS first, then the rest of the hair. If you have long hair you may need 2 bottles of color.

Most color applications take about 20 minutes. Shampoo and condition very well afterwards.

I don't know exactly how blonde you were before, so its hard to tell you whether you'll need the 'very light blonde' or just the 'light blonde'. The very light blonde is the lightest blonde that I know of. To get hair any blonder, you'd have to use bleach....and after stripping, your hair is already damaged.

So, good luck and great hair. Hope this helps:o)

How do I know? I've been a licensed Cosmetologist for over 16 years in NC.


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