Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why does light blonde hair turn dark blonde?

Why do women who were naturally light blonde as teenagers turn dark blonde as adults? My wife had light blonde hair until the age of 15 then her hair turned dark blonde naturally. The same happened to my 2 sisters. Why does this happen?

Why does light blonde hair turn dark blonde?

Its got to do with hormones in the body. Every thing changes as a woman reaches adult hood or for that matter a man does the same thing. Its called 'Genes' passed down from one generation to the other.

Why does light blonde hair turn dark blonde?

Because teens are in the sun alot more than when they're adults. The sun will lighten your hair but if your not in the sun that much your roots will be darker than your actual hair color

Why does light blonde hair turn dark blonde?

All i can think of is that maybe it gets less exposure to the sun? Great question..same thing happend to me so I dont really know

Why does light blonde hair turn dark blonde?

I think it's something to do with hormones. You see very few very light natural adult blondes. I doubt it's just the sun, but I'm sure that plays a part.

Why does light blonde hair turn dark blonde?

I believe it is hormonal,sorry can't be more specific. Natural blonde adults are not that common. Even natural blonde adult women sometimes turn darker after pregnancy, that's what happens in my family.

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