Monday, July 27, 2009

Highlighting stawberry blonde hair...Not sure if it will turn out okay?

Does anyone else highlight their naturally strawberry blonde hair? My hair has been getting a little darker, so sometimes it looks strawberry blonde and other times it almost looks reddish brown...although it's lightening now because of the summer. I want natural looking blonde highlights--nothing too drastic. I'm just afraid it will turn my hair orange, or not look right. I have fair skin and green eyes. Any strawberry blondes out there who highlight their hair blonde? Does it look okay?

I don't know much about highlights, maybe doing half the head will look better?

I have no idea what I'm talking about, but any suggestions would be great before I visit a salon. Thanks! :)

Highlighting stawberry blonde hair...Not sure if it will turn out okay?

As long as you are getting your highlights form a professional your hair shouldn't turn orange. Going only a few steps up from your natural color would probably look REALLY good. Just DON'T get the chunky ones or the ones that are individual strips.

Highlighting stawberry blonde hair...Not sure if it will turn out okay?

There are certain websites out there that you can preview certain looks on your hair like But if you're really curious of how the coloring would affect your hair type, you could always consult a salon and they could get a small piece of your hair (it's not so bad it wouldn't affect how your hair looks) and they can test it out, also, they can keep testing until they got the perfect color you want. I hope this helps, I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.

Highlighting stawberry blonde hair...Not sure if it will turn out okay?

my mom works in a salon and i go there all the time. most of the people who highlights their hair have blonde hair some are strawberry blonde. try highlighting your hair with 2 other shades, one lighter and one darker. it will look really bool good luck. Do NOT highlight only half of your hair that would look weird lol. And don't worry your hair won't be damage unless your straighten your hair right after. Deep condition twice a week for a month after.

Highlighting stawberry blonde hair...Not sure if it will turn out okay?

Nice small slices or pieces of blond give strawberry blond hair a nice glow. Do a partial. The top part area and above the ears and from the occipital bone up. That leaves the nape area naturally darker and it gives it more depth. Here in Florida it is quite popular to have the underside darker. Find a stylist that is comfortable using tint to lighten your hair. It will be gentler on the hair and less likely to absorb swimmers green that so many deal with in the summer months.

Just remember ..... there are always more colors in the dispensary...if you don't like the one on the first try. Color should be fun not stressful.

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